To support individuals, household businesses, and small and micro enterprises in acquiring knowledge on entrepreneurship, business expansion, and growth, training sessions for the Level-2 source lecturers of the Tinh Thuong Microfinance Institution (TYM) Thanh Hoa were recently held at BMC Sam Son Hotel, Sam Son City, Thanh Hoa Province. These sessions are part of the "Accelerate My Business" project, jointly executed by the Center for Women and Development (CWD) and TYM, with funding and coordination from The Asia Foundation (TAF).

WeLead’s source lecturers delivered comprehensive training on key aspects of the "Accelerate My Business" project, including Basic Skills in Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Finance, and the Digital Environment. They provided an overview of the program framework, highlighting crucial content for self-study and self-assessment via the internet.

The training sessions attracted 80 participants from Thanh Hoa City, Sam Son City, and Quang Xuong District. The attendees included TYM fund staff from the Project Management Board, Branch Directors, Transaction Office Managers (who had not participated in the ToT Level 1 class), and Credit Officers (who had not participated in the ToT Level 1 class). Additionally, Level 1 ToT lecturers attended to guide and support participants in accessing the website and learning materials.

Participants provided positive feedback on the organization, logistics, quality of lecturers, materials, and interactions following the training sessions.