WeLead Organized "Leveraging Digital Solutions to Enhance Business Competitiveness" Training Program In Quang Ninh On July 9th and 10th, 2024

WeLead Organized "Leveraging Digital Solutions to Enhance Business Competitiveness" Training Program In Quang Ninh On July 9th and 10th, 2024

On July 9th and 10th, 2024, at Quang Ninh Gate Tourist Area - Dong Trieu Town, Quang Ninh Province, the Network of trailblazing Women Leaders WELEAD (WeLead), in collaboration with TAF, organized the training program "Leveraging Digital Solutions to Enhance Business Competitiveness."

Before the training began, female entrepreneurs visited the Quang Vinh Ceramics Factory in Quang Ninh, where CEO Ha Thi Vinh led a tour through the entire production process. This included the initial stages of material gathering, mixing, grinding stone, kaolin, clay, pressing, molding, cutting, shaping, finishing, painting, firing, and packaging. At each stage, Ms. Vinh enthusiastically shared stories and reasons for Quang Vinh's adoption of modern technology and digital applications in business operations. Quang Vinh is also one of the first companies to implement ISO standards in production processes, practice 5S, and participate in initiatives promoting gender equality in business, supply chains, and the community. On the same day, the group also visited the Quang Ninh Gate tourist area, featuring highlights such as a wine cellar, village gate, countryside market, and purple island. This site recreates the ancient cultural features of the Vietnamese people with unique architecture, promising to be an attractive tourist destination for visitors to Quang Ninh.

The Gala Dinner “Business Networking among Female Entrepreneurs from Quang Ninh, Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Thai Nguyen” and the “Sing for Each Other” took place at the Quang Ninh Gate tourist area on the evening of July 9th, 2024. The event was vibrant and warm, showcasing the talent and intellect of the female entrepreneurs. 

On the morning of July 10th, 2024, the training program was inaugurated with a speech by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, representing TAF in Vietnam. She emphasized the importance of digital technology in enhancing business competitiveness and introduced the support programs for female entrepreneurs in Vietnam by the Asia Foundation, praising the cooperation with WeLead. She also commended the proactive learning and active participation of Vietnamese female entrepreneurs.

The training featured Mr. Nguyen Tai Tue and Mr. Nguyen Tri Thanh, senior lecturers and experts from WeLead, who shared insights on modern marketing management and enhancing customer experience using digital tools, and responsible business practices in the digital space. These practical topics meet the current needs of female entrepreneurs.

Following a lively Q&A session, attendees watched videos sharing successful digital transformation experiences of female entrepreneurs. The program concluded with a summary and closing remarks by Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh, the founder of WeLead. Her speech not only summarized the training's knowledge but also opened up new programs and cooperation opportunities with the Vietnamese female entrepreneur community.

The program ended, but the positive impressions and lingering memories remain with each participant. Instead of saying "Goodbye," everyone expressed their hope for “See WeLead and TAF again soon!”

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